Sunday, September 1, 2013

Welcome back to school!

Hey there people. I'm on a roll... spinning with inspiration! However, please forgive me. My posts are not separating into paragraphs like they should. I'm trying to figure it out, but let's face it, I am technologically inept. I'm still busy writing, and I must say, getting back to the school year will be quite helpful in the concepts and applications that I'm researching and writing about in my new excursion. With that, I changed my venue and have hit my favorite pub to write. I decided to start off the school year with a few additional suggestions of what is needed for class. It amazes me to see the lack of preparation that I have witnessed through the years, so grab a drink and let's discuss. Ah, the smell of fall in the air. Kids filling the halls, and the excitement of reconnecting is intense. So much inspiration, motivation and joy during the first week quickly turns into reality. Now I know that we all try to hit the ground running, try to demonstrate new organizational skills and start off on the right foot. Mine lasts about 3 weeks and the kids tend to hold the same timing. At first, they follow whatever rules are set, they bring the usual notebooks and pencils and other items that they need. However, there is a point where it breaks down. Younger students have an advantage because their parents still make sure they are well equipped... I personally thank the parents for that! But when it's time to let go of the reigns, there are things that are easily forgotten. My mother still nags me during my morning phone calls, yet I'm a professional adult. So let's get to it. 1. A proper belt. This one mostly applies to the young men. Maybe it's just me, but I don't quite understand how hoards of guys walk through the hall with their pants below their butts. Nobody needs to see your shorts with Spongebob on them. How is it possible that "skinny" jeans can hang that low? It looks uncomfortable and makes you walk funny (I kept my true vulgar comment out of this statement). So many times, I'll notice this when a kid is sitting at his desk. I ask him to stand up and pull up his pants. For some crazy reason, he stands and instead of pulling up his pants, he tries to pull down his shirt. It amazes me that they, many guys, think it is logically possible to make their shirt longer. What intrigues me even more is that they, in fact, are wearing belts. These usually are the kind that loop around the clasp. Do everyone a favor, get a belt that has a proper fastener and is the correct size. 2. Disinfecting wipes. I'm not saying that I'm a germaphobe.... ok, maybe I am. The 3 foot taped line that I surround my desk with during flu season, with a sign that says "do not cross", may be a little much, but it's an act of human survival in my eyes. Anyway, back to the point. We learned as kids to cover our noses and mouths with our hands when we sneezed or coughed (at least back in the day). In this decade the rules changed, and we are suppose to use the crooks of our elbows. However, colds and flu spread like wildfire, and it doesn't help that someone either: A. Sneezes all over the desk, or B. uses the hand covering technique then touches everything. Sometimes in a surprise sneezing or coughing attack, we just can't help it. I will not clean up after you, so bring wipes and clean your hands and desk. This way you won't spread the germs to the next kid who sits at the same desk and lays his head down out of boredom, only to miss school the next day. 3. A sippy cup While out to dinner this week, I heard a thump. As I looked over, there was a couple and their baby sitting at a table. She had a sippy cup full of milk that she threw on the floor. This was always a good invention and quite frankly, we all could use them. I would have saved myself a lot of money and the frustration of purchasing new clothes if I just carried a sippy cup. No spills, no stains. This is why I have resorted to wearing mostly black. Now my students are not suppose to have drinks or food in the classroom, but surprisingly they all have a bottle, can or cup of some sort with them. The promises of "I won't spill" make me laugh. It's even more hysterical when they think keeping it on the floor instead of on their desk is a better option. Sure enough, I hear a thump, and I see Gatorade, coffee or some other liquid on the floor. The other students see this, and then look at me while a hush falls over the crowd. Yet another reason for wipes, they work great on spills, as opposed to the brown school paper towels with no absorbent properties. Just get a sippy cup. As a side note, I still favor lunch boxes over paper bags for the same reason... things leak. If you need one, I believe there is still a red and yellow Bee Gees lunch box at my parents' house. It's shameful, I know. I love it, and you can have it if you need one. Now the final suggestion is pretty basic. Yet again, I see this several times during the year. 4. A book bag Students use these to carry books and other items needed. The 30 lb bag strapped to your back is not pleasant, but hard to forget. Many times I notice a kid who doesn't have his/her book or notebook, and that's ok. We all forget things sometimes, but why is it that the reason they are not prepared is because they forgot their book bag? You forgot an extra 30 lbs? That's like me saying "I forgot to get dressed this morning". I hear it all year and to this day, it baffles me. Keep it by the front door and grab it in the morning, but please don't forget it. That will just set the tone for the whole day. Oh, and please don't keep it in your car so you don't forget it. That just means you're not doing your assignments at night, and that leads to more problems. So there you have it, some common things that are needed and sometimes overlooked. I wish everyone a happy new school year and look forward to more drinks with Jess. Thanks for joining me.